Milkindo Green Farm Kepanjen

This is a farm were you can enjoy seeing different farm animals such as.. cows rabbits, horses and more. You may feed the rabbits on the ground. Feed the cows on the fence, and off course ride a horses.

This place is a Fun Place especially visiting the site with your kids, relatives and. Not just the farm itself, but you can enjoy the different food courts sells delicious foods.

Jalan-Jalan Murah Meriah ke Milkindo Green Farm Kepanjen Kabupaten Malang Wisata edukasi Milkindo Green Farm berada di Kepanjen, Kabupaten Malang. Lokasinya tidak jauh dari Standion Kanjuruhan. Cocok untuk anda yang ingin berwisata dengan biaya murah.

The Milkindo Green Farm found in Kepanjen Ngempit, Tegalsari, Kepanjen, Malang, East Java 65163, Indonesia